Updated on 1/14/16Most retailers and distributors work with many suppliers. We are often asked...
How do I change the supplier on an order?Step 1 - Go to invoice report and find order to update Step 2 - Click the Edit link and look for...
How do I configure my store for OE Order fulfillment (ADP)In your store settings, add and change the following tags in your advanced settings field...
How do I resend an order to WorldPac after an error?When you click Send from the invoice report, the Sophio web server connects to the WorldPac...
How do I send orders to the Supplier for fulfillment?There are two modes for sending orders to your supplier.A‚A They are manual and automatic.A‚A...
How do I update my site to use the latest Worldpac Fulfillment System? How does automatic order send work?For a WHI powered webstore, there are three modes for automatic order fulfillment. MATCH-ONLY...
How to get started with b2c Central?To signup with b2c Central for automated order fulfillment visit the b2c Central website by...
How to upgrade to WHI's latest order fulfillment method (ORDERLINK) ? Is there a way to set a default for sending orders via USPS to Auto Plus (Babel Part)The magic tag is: <BABDEFAULTDELMETHOD>45</BABDEFAULTDELMETHOD>Add this tag to your...
Resetting an order to the supplierIf you need to reset an order that has already been sent to the supplier, follow these steps....
Sending Tax/Freight/Discounts info to my Warehouse Management System (WMS)To send tax, freight, and discount information to a WD, we can either provide it in the comment...