Attention FBS Affiliates:
If you are selling on Ebay, please disable 'Parts Master' in your DCF.
This line is no longer available for drop shipping through FBS.
We are aware that some of our clients may be experiencing connectivity issues.
Our team has located the system issue and are working to resolve this as soon as possible.
We apologize for the inconvenience that this may cause.
Sorry folks, we are still having some residual issues from earlier in the week. We are hoping by now you are driving home and not on yoru stores! Will be down for only a few min.
UPDATE - 12:30AM 4/6/17Dear FBS Affiliates,The order automation haulted earlier today due to some database corruption. We were able to restore from a backup and order automation has resumed. If your orders did not automatically send, you may see them in a 'needs review' status. Please click the 'ship' link and manually submit these orders. ...