If your site is integrated with a supplier or third party catalog the search by part number always searches the suppliers inventory and not your own. If you want the search to search your own database of items, we have various 'pages' aka links that can be added to your home page and template page to view these items by browsing.
Another popular method of adding your own items to your website is to create
static html pages (like accessories.html) and put an image and a buy button on
them. Before doing this you will need to add the items to your inventory
file via Products > Upload Product Data. The most important values here are the SKU
and the MFR (also known as the product id and brand code). When creating
sku's and mfr's you should not use spaces or formatting in the SKU or MFR if
possible. Once you enter a new sku and mfr and click Add a record is
created in your wws_items file. You can edit things such as
description, cost, sell price, weight, image location, long description, size,
color, etc... Once the item is saved you will be able to create a buy
button by using a link or form such as additem.wws?sku=1234&mfr=MYBRAND.
The most popular link to use is called buyerbrowse.epc. This link uses the file wws_items.dbf (your main inventory file) and groups and sorts the main category columns. The main columns are category1, categories, and level3. You enter the data using the "Products > Upload Product Data" link on the control panel page of your site. It is very important to be consistent when adding items as the search programs will show your inconsistencies quite obviously. Mixing cases, or hitting a space in the field will cause data inaccuracies.
If you want to send us an excel spreadsheet of items after your site has been installed there will be a small fee to import the items into the wws_items file.
The key fields to add or update in inventory maintenance are as follows.
sku = part number
category1 = main category, for example: BMW
categories = sub category, for example: ACCESSORIES
level3 = main category, for example: CHROME EXHAUST TIP
mfr = brand
descript = short description (prints in shopping cart)
ldescript = long description (can contain as much information as you would like)
price = regular selling price
cost = your cost
list = suggested list price
weight = weight of part in box
image = url to a picture of the part (E.g. http://www.domain.com/images/filename.gif)
sup = supplier (can be an abbreviation of your business name or one of your suppliers)
whse = warehouse id
core = T or F (true or false)
coreprice = price of the core