api_access_key - private key must be sent for function to work
from - allowed value is empty or WHMCS
action - allowed values are NEW, SUSPEND, TERMINATE, UNSUSPEND
domainname - this should be an active domain that points to our server (if empty, newstore method will figure out sophio.com or nexpartb2c.com)
domain - same as domainname
virtual - this value is usually the value 'before' the domain. Some would call it the sub domain. We use clientid + - + order number as the virtual + domain to generate a url
domainextension - can be empty, or .com .net org etc
configpk - this is the value of the Sophio store configuration (can be empty)
ordernumber - this should match the service order id from the billing system. it will be used as the content folder name on server and will be used in the free trial url
whiacct - this is optional if known and is the WHI Solutions Account Id
sonumber - this is optional and is the WHI Solutions 'sales order number'
pid - product id from the billing system (required)
designsource - this can be empty or can be the name of a specific design id tempalte like design-013
frames - old field no longer used, should be left empty
storestate - the two digit abbreviation for the sellers state or province / we do not validate this
storezip - the sellers postal code or zip code
storecntry - the sellers country code - US or CA
contactpk - the billing systems client id
email - the primary email address used to contact the store owner
adminuser - the new super admin user name (should be alpha numeric and less than 15 char)
adminpass - the new super admin password (should be alpha numeric and less than 15 char)
html - allowed values TRUE or empty. if true, system will use the designsource above to create a collection of files and folders for the store design
createiis - allowed values TRUE or empty. if true, system will use generate a new IIS website using default configuration
createdns - allowed values TRUE or empty. if true, system will use generate a new zone in DNS MADE EASY website using default configuration and ip's
createwdsophio - allowed values TRUE or empty. if true, system will use generate a new account in sophio central
createWdSophiowhse - allowed values TRUE or empty. if true, system will use generate a new warehouse in sophio central
createftp - allowed values TRUE or empty. if true, system will use generate a new ftp account using same adminpass and adminuser above
tables - allowed values TRUE or empty. if true, system will use generate a new database for the store
clone - allowed values TRUE or empty. if true, system will use clients existing store configuration as the basis for a 2nd or 3rd store
clonestorepk - allowed value is the storepk from clients existing site. if valid system will use generate a new with same values as first site
makevirtual -
createvirtual -
accountnum -
supplieruserid -
supplierpassword -
supplierurl -
siteid -
apikey -
noemail -
storename - the new store name alpha numeric
firstname - the clients firstname
lastname - the clients lastname
company - the clients company name
phonenumber - the clients phone number
taxrate - sellers default tax rate
shipper - sellers default shipper
b2ctype - sellers store type (b2c, b2b, b2bc)
partnerid - if WHI is creating this site the partnerid is 180
catalogusername - user id for the catalog web service
catalogpassword - password for the catalog web service
orderusername - user id for the ordering web service
orderpassword - password for the ordering web service
authkey - authorization key for the ordering web service
provider - provider name for the ordering web service
supplier - catalog supplier id. Allowed values OEC, OEA, WHD, AAA, IMC, OWN
connected - allowed values are empty or TRUE. if true site will use ordering web service for price and availability
trackinv - allowed values are empty or TRUE. if true, site will hide parts with 0 stock
showitemsnostock - allowed values are empty or TRUE. if true, site will show parts with no stock but will hide the buy button
overselllinecodes - allowed values are empty or a delimited list of linecodes that allows a seller to sell items with 0 stock
paypalacct - allowed value is empty or the paypal email address for paypal checkout
whmcsorderstatus - allowed value is empty or PENDING
wdid - allowed value is empty or the distributor id in sophio central if known