1. Make sure that a sub domain is setup in DNS MADE EASY. Sub domains cannot have . but can have -. For example: autoparts.com.sophio.com is an invalid https sub domain. autoparts-com.sophio.com is valid. The A record you add in DME would be: autoparts-com and you would point it to the ip address that the store is hosted on.
2. Create a binding in IIS for the new https wildcard. If a site does not have one yet, you can use the IIS GUI to add the binding. The binding name does not have https but rather autoparts-com.sophio.com only. If you make a mistake typing the name and add the binding, you CANNOT DELETE IT FROM THE GUI. Trying to delete a wildcard ssl binding from a site will unassign other sites. This is a bug in IIS 7 that is well known. To delete a binding that you created, you must login to the server as an administrator and use the c:\windows\system32\inetsrv\appcmd.exe
3. In the store settings make sure you have secure=T, secureurl=https://autoparts-com.sophio.com/ (trailing / is important), and wcardssl=T
4. When done with the above, build a test order and make sure that when you click checkout, the url changes to https://autoparts-com.sophio.com. Make sure the secure lock is on.