Wrenchead Catalog Down

The Wrenchead catalog feed was reported down early this morning. Wrenchead is working as fast as they can to resolve the issue. For direct updates you can email support@wrenchead.com or visit their support page at www.wrenchead.com. There is no need to create a support ticket at the Sophio site.


For the past few weeks our webmail servers have been regularly abused by spammers. These spammers use webmail to send thousands of messages which causes a bottleneck and clogs our network. You may have read a few weeks ago that we had attempted to move our mail servers over the weekend to a new hosting company. These attempted moves failed due ...

Wrenchead Catalog Down

The Wrenchead Catalog Feed is currently experiencing intermittent outage issues. We have contacted Wrenchead Support and they are working as quickly as possible to repair it. We estimate an hour or two before it is back up. There is no need to create a support ticket to alert us to this issue.

Sophio Wrenchead Server Issues

Dear Clients, If your website is hosted on our server your site may have experienced intermittent outages between Sunday and Monday morning. We discovered today that our MERAK mail server software was being exploited by a hacker. We have ordered the installation of a software patch from MERAK which should stop the hacker. ...