Where do I get my Google Maps API Key?

We use the free Google Maps API in our in store pick-up module. To use Google Maps at your site, you must have a valid Google account. If you don't have one visit this URL to get one: https://accounts.google.com/SignUp. Once you create a Google account, you visit this URL: https://code.google.com/apis/console/ and generate a key. Look for "Google Maps API v2" and turn it on. Grab the API key labeled 'browser key'. As of 5/20/2012, Google gives you 25,000 inquiries for free per day. For more than 25,000 inquiries per day, you will pay Google $10 for every 1,000 over 25,000. The key will look something like this: AIzaSyCh15Oig0QM6T7oghUG_mBAd5DYAkNQdXw

When you get the key, go to your store settings page (mainteditstore.wws ) and click 'edit'. Search for the tag GOOGLEMAPAPIKEY and when you find it insert the API key like you see below.


Depending on when this article was created, you may or may not see the Google Maps API Key available on the Google tab in storesetup.wws. Look there if you have trouble editing the store settings from the page mainteditstore.wws.

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