What are the high level steps to configure a multi supplier b2c or ebay store?

1.  Create multi-db database - createfacetedinventorydatabase.wws  (Note: Use client domain name without the ‘dot’ in .com. example:  discountautopartscom not discountautoparts.com).  This step creates a MySql database to house the sellers offline inventory.  It is designed to work with the FBS database at same time.  Another words if you query it for one part number it returns the part number from the seller if there - if not it returns the part number from FBS (this is why we named it multi db)

2.  Create supplier profiles - Maintvendorprofiles.wws (create one for each supplier, including FBS).  Each supplier profile houses things like their name, their site url, their ftp settings for the sellers inventory and pricing feed, their nexpart credentials.

3.  Create local dcf starting with fbs - do that from the 2nd step by clicking the button get FBS DCF.  The ‘local’ dcf is the Sophio terminology for downloading and importing multiple DCF’s from Nexpart or excel files.  If you start the DCF process with the FBS dcf you are getting a huge DCF that works with over 1million parts that FBS can drop ship same day.  Another words, ‘this might be enough to get someone going’.  

4.  Import additional dcf’s from other supplier profiles - Maintvendorprofiles.wws (import button is on the supplier detail page when editing) - If a seller introduces a new distributor or he himself is a distributor and he needs his dcf merged with FBS then this is the process that builds the master dcf in the B2C Site.

5.  Export dcf if you want to push to WHI - mainteditdcf.wws (export button) - When you are ready to send data back to WHI you have to use this.  The export button will generate a Nexpart formatted DCF file that WHI implementers can import.

6.  Update marketplace tab settings - leave "eBay Inventory Suppliers" empty if you want to export the entire multi-db (FBS + sellers multiple files)

Note:  The UI for this is intended to be used by Support and not end users.  The values are constructed in ‘tags’ like html.  For example <supplier>WHD</supplier> is what we call the ‘supplier’ tag.  

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