Paypal Payments Pro (fomerly Web Payments Pro) - updated 5/20/2013

This article will describe how to get started with Paypal Payments Pro.

1.  Signup for the new Paypal Process here:

2.  Obtain your API credentials.  To use the PayPal API, you must have API credentials that identify you as a PayPal Business or Premier account holder who is authorized to perform various API operations. Although you can use either an API signature or a certificate for credentials, PayPal recommends you use a signature.

3.  Create your API signature.  An API signature consists of an API username along with an associated API password and signature, all of which are assigned by PayPal. You need to include this information whenever you execute a PayPal API operation. 

a.  Log in to PayPal, then click Profile under My Account.
b.  Click 'my selling tools'
c.  Look on the menu of options for API access.  Click the 'update' link 
d.  On next page click the link Request Api Credentials
e.  Of the two options you see click "Request API signature" and click the Agree and Submit button

4.  (optional) If you are a current user of the Paypal payment gateway you must remove your existing 'certificate' before the new signature will work.  To remove it, visit the page API Access, then click 'view api certificate', on next page click the button to 'remove the api certificate'.  Again, you only need to do this step if you already use the certificate today.

5.  The last step is to configure your store to use the new Paypal API signature.  There are a total of three values you need to enter into your store configuration.  These are:

a.  Merchant ID - E.g.:
b.  Merchant Key - E.g.:  KZTAZU5F7R7VHPW9
c.  Paypal Signature - E.g.: AFcWxV21C7fd0v3bYYYRCpSSRl31A038fgo0qB.mJDXDDRl6AEwQTuCd

6.  Visit the page storesetup.wws in your store, or click the 'settings' link in the upper right corner of the page.

7.  Click the payment tab and choose Paypal Payments Pro from the selection menu.


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