This type of store is a special store. This will not sale directly to customers, aka it does not have a catalog part ( and it should not be allowed either).
The usuall setting is that this order receiveing site belong to a already signed up client of us, which means that it has its own site already defined in sophio.
Currently all acdelco stores are meant to be installed at 1and1 server ( may change later).
Let suppose that our client has this website registered with us. ( if the client is in dev stage, aka has only IP/virtual we sould wait till he gets the domain setup).
First to to be checked is the virtual. IT IS VERY IMPORTANT to have the virtual set to .
If the virtual is set to "mysophiostore" we need to change that to
If we had to make this change, we need to go to D:\inetpub\sophio\wrencheadsites\ ( this might differ from server to server) and rename "mysophiostore" subdirectory to "mysophiostoredotcom".
Go to
and create a new virtual. The naming convention for the virtual as much as possible should be acdelco_mysophiostore (acdelco_
DO NOT create databases.
DO NOT create a html content.
CLONE the current store settings.
This store is basically a virtual store , has no design , and will not be directly accessed except for admin purposes.
Go to mainteditstore.wws
and make this changes
IN DEFPAGE set the shoppingcart
in CEPCCONFIG add this
In ADVSET add this
DDG1....5 its the address of the store that will be displayed during checkout.
Keep a list of created ACDELCO sites ( ip/virtual)