How do I make a customer tax exempt?

Step 1 - Log into your sophio control panel.
Step 2 - Go to the ADVSET field and add this tag - TRUE
Step 3 - Save and exit

Each B2C site is designed to charge tax to all customers in your home state. With this Advanced Setting you can 'flip' the taxable field in customer maintenance to withhold tax for a given customer. The field is confusing. The name is 'taxable'. The default is F (false) which means to charge tax. If you change to T (true) tax will not be charged. Each new customer defaults to F. If you want to remove tax on an invoice, you go to 'edit invoice', then 'edit customer', flip the taxable field to T, then hit save, then go back to 'Edit Invoice' and click 'save with freight update'.

If you want to automate this procedure, you can have your customers register at your site with the link register.wws. If they choose tax exempt their 'taxable' field will be saved as T (non taxable).
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