The default shipping calculation is based on an orders weight. The system uses the total estimated weight of the shopping cart, the zip code being shipped to, and the zip code shipped from, and sends these values to the shippers web service to generate a shipping charge. The shippers return prices to your webstore for ground, 2 day air, and 1 day air, and the consumer is able to to choose the method of shipment. We then assign the amount quoted to the 'handling' field in the invoice header record. For this all to work smoothly, each item in the cart must have a weight greater than zero and the ship from and ship to zip codes must be correct. If your site is integrated with one of our supplier partners, then the ship from zip codes are handled internally in our software. If the store is not integrated with a supplier, then the systems uses the 'storezip' field found in the your stores settings. You can change the storezip at any time.
To add a specific shipping charge on a single item, go to inventory maintenance and search for your item. Once found, click 'edit', and scroll to the field 'freightchg'. A Enter an amount in dollars and hit save. Each time this item is added to the shopping cart, it will be added to the total shipping charge and a message will be displayed that says "This item has an additional SHIPPING charge".
This message can be changed by editing the shoppingcartitems_lang_en.xml file.