How do I manage the countercat.css file?

The countercat.css file is a cascading style sheet. Cascading Style Sheet's are used in html to manage fonts, colors, sizes, and other attributes of a web page. The simple concept is that rather than editing each and every page in a website, you link all webpages to a single CSS file that has all of the style properties of text, tables, buttons, links, etc... There are extensive tutorials on cascading style sheet's that can be found at google. Here is a quick link to google to find some articles if you need more detailed help. Google CSS

The main styles you will want to concern yourself with in the countercat.css file are:

bodytable - used for 90% of all Sophio generated tables
bodytableinverse - used in 90% of all Sophio generated tables (the inverse color you see)
bodytableinverse2 - used in 90% of all Sophio generated tables (the second inverse color you see)
bodylink - used on 99% of all sophio generated links

shoppingcart - used in the body of the shopping cart
shoppingcartsubtotal - used in the shopping cart subtotal area

On a final note, there are many other classes inside of the countercat.css file that you can surely modify. Many of these classes will can alternatively be removed. It is good practive to make a backup of the existing countercat.css found in your site and then make a single change, save and replace. Then go check your site, and see the change you made.

Support can always restore the original css file at your request.

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