If your authorize.net stops working make sure that your Merchant Field in Store Settings is set to AUTHORIZE and that your user id and password are still correct.
Step 1: Go to your control panel (admin.epc) Step 2: Click the Invoice Report link in the...
Why can't I find an invoice?If you cannot loacte an invoice, you should: 1. Go to the Admin page.2. If you know the Invoice...
Why am I missing orders?On occassion clients have complained that an order has gone missing. When in reality, all that...
How do I send a customer a copy of an invoice?To send a customer a copy of their invoice: 1. Go to your main admin page.2. On the upper left is...
Why are all my Authorize.NET charges showing Failed in the invoice report?If your site is using authorize.net for cc processing and was working until today, and now shows...
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