How To Add Additional Slave Server

Configuring New Slave Server

  1. Be sure slave server can telnet port 3306 to Master Server.
  2. Create a whi_catalog backup on any running slave server (ex.: and copy it to the new slave server.
  3. Copy the following files from the running slave server to the new slave server under data directory of MySQL . You can find these files in the data directory of MySQL.
    • relay-bin files (ex. u15410842-relay-bin.000525)
    • relay-bin.index (ex. u15410842-relay-bin.index)
    • certificates folder
  4. Rename the following files according to the server name of the new slave server.
    • relay-bin files
    • relay-bin.index file
  5. Change contents of the following files according to new relay-bin filenames and path of the certificates folder.
    • - Change the correct directory of the certificates folder
    • - Change it according to the new relay-bin files.
    • relay-bin.idex - Change it according to the new relay-bin files.
  6. Stop MySQL in Services.
  7. Add the following lines in the my.ini of the MySQL Server under [mysqld] section. Be sure server-id is unique from slave servers.
    • old_passwords=1
    • ssl
    • server-id=3
    • master-connect-retry=60
    • replicate-do-db=whi_catalog
  8. Start MySQL in Services
  9. On MySQL shell, create whi_catalog database then restore the backup.
    • create database whi_catalog;
    • use whi_catalog;
    • source D:\backup\whi_catalog.sql;
    • quit;
  10. Finally start slave server.
    • start slave;
  11. Check slave status.
    • show slave status \G
  12. It is important that both Slave_IO_Running and Slave_SQL_Running have the value Yes in the output; otherwise, something went wrong--you should check your setup again and take a look at error log to find out about any errors. As you're using an SSL connection now, you should also find values in the fields Master_SSL_Allowed, Master_SSL_CA_File, Master_SSL_Cert, and Master_SSL_Key.
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