
Can I show all parts from the catalog even if I have no stock and no price?

Yes you can!  Here are the steps: 1)  Go to the storesetup.wws page and click the inventory...

Cannot kill webstore

Open command prompt as administratortaskkill /im webstore.exe /fYou may need to do this...

Help - My site is declining or failing all charges!

This article applies to clients.Your webstore needs your API User id and...

Help my real time connection to IMC is down. What can I do?

If you have provided SOPHIO with your IMC price list you can switch your site to what we call...

Help! My search results are failing with an error containing WSDL

If your part searches are failing with this error "WSDLReader:-XML Parser failed at linenumber 0,...

Help! My site is not showing any parts!

Most Sophio stores are connected to a DMS (disribution management system).  From time to time,...

How come I cannot see some of my branches in the in store pickup drop-down list?

If you are a NEXPART INTEGRATED customer using the in store pickup module, be sure that the...

How come my OE store shows duplicate results by part number?

If you are an OE car dealer, and you have our integrated package, and you are wondering how to...

How come my site will not show any results in my disconnected OE catalog?

We have a 'file price' for the OE catalog. We will caution you that it is not 100% accurate. For...

How come related items do not show up but I see a link for them?

Be sure you have the correct STYLE selected. This is the exact tag in the 'advset': oestyle1...

How come some of my items are not showing up in the Google Base product export?

Google has very specific requirements for accepting a product feed.  When you run the...

How do I create a new wws_items table?

If you are an authorized administrator you can visit the link createwwsitems.wws .  Upon visiting...

How do I get my tire catalog to get real time price and availability from my DMS?

If you are a WHI customer and your store is using both the WHI and TIR catalog and pricing is...

How do I get the catalog search widget to function on my site that is not hosted on a NexpartB2C server?

Check the widget code and make sure you have these lines of code. var...

How do I open a wc or wws file in Microsoft Frontpage?

All versions of frontpage are a bit different but the process is mostly the same.On...

How to redirect non-www to www with https

Add this snippet to your web.config file IF you have your own SSL certificate on our server.  If...

MSXML2 errors on home pages

To solve this problem you need to click start, then run, then type:  gpedit.mscOnce it opens,...

My DHL Stopped working - what's up?

The Sophio DHL integration is no longer a generally available feature.  Please start by...

My integrated site is not showing results - help!

If you are seeing this error at your site: "WSDLReader:XML Parser failed at linenumber 0,...

Part numbers with lower case letters are not found. Help!

Go to your advanced settings page and look for FORCE UPPER. Enter TRUE and hit save. This will...

Shipworks is not downloading all the orders it should. Help!

On occassion, an order or two will not get sent to b2ccentral. If this happens you can sync...

We host NexpartB2C on our own Dedicated Server and are getting MSXML errors. What gives?

Edit the group policy labeled "Do not forcefully unload the user registry at logoff" and be sure...

Why do part number searches fail?

There are several integration types within the Sophio system which means discovering why a part...

Why is my site getting redirect loops when clicking on checkout?

First thing you need to do is look in your root folder for a file called web.config.  If you...

Why is my stock being set to 99999?

If your trackinv is OFF and you do not use the ADVSET SHOWOUTOFSTOCKITEMS and ALLOWOVERSELL is...